When do you turn on the heating? When it gets colder, it becomes impossible to live in the apartment until the heat is supplied.
A tender participant sooner or later faces dumping in government orders. The phenomenon of dumping itself exists
Home/Return and exchange/Money for services not provided Each person is essentially a consumer, because he uses
What are the categories of land? The composition of lands on the territory of Russia is regulated by Art. 7 of the Land Code.
How beneficial is declaring insolvency? Before going to court, a citizen needs to understand that
Criminal record and its consequences Criminal record appears from the time when the decision made by the court begins
Home / Situations Back Published: 04/17/2020 Reading time: 5 min 2 1102 Russians
All about the recipient's index What is meant by postal address? Let's imagine what you want
BTI certificate on ownership of a real estate property - Legal advice When drawing up various agreements
Basic provisions Such a statement is most often understood as granting permission to register another