Application of a multiplying factor in the absence of metering devices

Home / Housing issues / Forum will the coefficient for water without a meter be increased in 2021

Please note that at the end of the service life of metering devices, 3 months are given to replace them. The accrual at this time will be calculated based on the average readings for the last six months. Therefore, it is better to check and replace meters in advance.

Increasing coefficient for utilities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities

However, the possibility of canceling the payment of utility bills at one and a half times the rate for low-income families is being considered. They do not have the funds needed to purchase and install meters. Such expenses can seriously undermine an already meager budget.

In what cases is the absence of a counter beneficial?

  • there are more people registered in the apartment than live;
  • often leave for a long time;
  • no one is registered in the apartment, and the owner lives elsewhere;
  • use resources sparingly.

Many consumers, thanks to meters, have reduced their costs for housing and communal services. Thrifty families actually use less water or electricity than normal. Therefore, the use of metering devices for them is indeed beneficial.

For residential premises without meters, the amount of payments is calculated based on consumption standards per resident. Services to which this method is applicable are: hot and cold water supply; drainage; gas supply. In other words, the total amount on the receipt will be determined by the number of persons registered in the house or apartment.

Until January 2015, if there were no metering devices in the residential premises, payments for utility services were calculated on the basis of state standards and regional tariffs. Next, the following sequence of increasing coefficients for housing and communal services tariffs was applied:

“This means that if people have late payments for housing and communal services by January 1, 2021, then from that moment penalties will begin to accrue. Moreover, utilities will again be able to be turned off for debts. Therefore, in order to start the New Year with a clean slate and not increase the amount of debt, apartment owners must have time to pay all the receipts,” explained Asiya Mukhamedshina, general director of Law Firm Lawyer.

What does "increasing factor" mean?

The current government is trying to force citizens to install individual meters in their apartments, which allow them to calculate the actual costs of resources consumed by residents, without taking into account existing standards, determined on the basis of average indicators.

If meters are installed, apartment owners will pay only according to the meters, which will allow them to avoid overpaying for resources.

But, unfortunately, not all citizens meet the local authorities halfway and install meters. This is mainly due to the need for costs for the purchase and installation of meters.

To stimulate them, the government has introduced a new system of using increasing coefficients for utility tariffs.

Increasing coefficients are used when calculating payment for services such as:

  • water supply;
  • electricity;
  • heating.

In Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, changes were made to provide for the payment of increasing coefficients that will be applied when calculating utility services for consumers who have not installed metering devices.

Many owners are interested in how to calculate the increasing coefficient . That is why we draw your attention to the fact that you do not need to calculate the increased coefficient yourself.

The size of the increasing coefficients is fixed and approved by Government Resolution No. 344 in 2013. In 2021, this coefficient is 1.5. Its value cannot change in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, just as norms and tariffs cannot change. The only exception is the coefficient for heat supply, the value of which is 1.1.

In most cases, an increasing coefficient is used when paying for water, since almost all houses are provided with electricity meters . Heating meters are installed, as a rule, on one house or entrance and also allow you to reduce the total payment amount indicated on the receipt.

Thus, increasing coefficients for heating and electricity are used only in rare cases. They are relevant mainly for paying for water. In accordance with PP No. 603, in 2021 an increased coefficient is not applied to wastewater disposal.

What is a multiplying factor in the absence of a meter?

But not in all cases, meters help you save money. Let’s imagine a situation where two people are registered in a living space, but five actually live there. Then, if there are meters, the volume of consumed resources will be higher than provided for by the standard. Paying rent without meter readings in such a situation is more profitable .

When the absence of meters is beneficial

In connection with recent changes, Article 157 of the RF Housing Code provides for the payment of increasing coefficients. They are mandatory for use in calculating utility bills for those consumers who have not installed water and electricity meters.

However, in this case there are no receivables, since the increasing coefficient is not a utility resource, the actual consumption of which must be paid. This is a fine designed to encourage the population to install metering devices; collecting it retroactively not only makes no sense, but is also illegal.

provided to the consumer in a residential area, is determined according to formula 4(1) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standard consumption of utility services for cold water supply, hot water supply and (or) electricity supply using a multiplying factor...”

From which it follows that the non-accrual of the increase for previous periods was due to a technical failure that lasted 4 years. Due to the fact that the overdue receivables were due to the fault of the management company, they should be included in the losses of the management company, and not collected from the consumer.

Water supply is one of the key public services available to citizens. As of today, payment for a resource can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on the indicators of the water meter, if there is one. And the second is payment based on the average statistical indicators of consumed consumption per person. When choosing one of them for yourself, you must know the water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter.

In the absence of IPU, the standard and increasing coefficient are applied in the calculations

According to Part 1 of Art. 157 of the RF Housing Code, clause 80 of RF PP No. 354, fees for utility services are calculated based on the readings of installed individual metering devices, and in the absence of meters - based on consumption standards approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The owner of the premises must install the IPU (clause 81 of the Russian Federation Regulations No. 354). If the apartment has the technical ability to do this, but the owner of the apartment has not fulfilled this obligation, then the utility service provider applies an increasing factor of 1.5 to the standard when making calculations (paragraph 3 of clause 42 of RF PP No. 354).

If residential premises in an apartment building belonging to a municipal housing stock are rented out under a social tenancy agreement, then the municipality is obliged to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to it by the RF Housing Code as the owner, including equipping the apartments with private monitoring systems (Part 3 of Article 65 of the RF Housing Code). The social housing tenant, for his part, is obliged to pay for utilities and housing services on time and in full (clause 5, part 3, article 67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

It turns out that if the owner of municipal housing does not fulfill the obligation to install an IPU, then the tenant of such an apartment receives receipts with inflated amounts of payment for the utility resource and is obliged to pay it.

What you need to know about checking and replacing electricity meters


Standards determining price in the absence of IPU

Not taking into account the fact that there is a difference in user standards, depending on the region, there is a certified average resource consumption rate for the country. According to it, a citizen who does not have a water meter installed spends 6.96 cubic meters of cold water supply, and 4.8 m3 falls on hot water.

There is no generally accepted legislative document determining how much of a resource the population can spend. All citizens are given the right to independently determine the amount of expenses. However, according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, a document describing the indicative basis for calculations, these data are not mandatory. Thanks to the study, legislators determined the average spending rate. On average, each person is able to spend 200 liters of resource for taking a bath weekly. Also, about 30 liters are consumed when taking a shower. We spend about 180 liters per week on toilet flushing. And approximately 200-250 liters are the costs necessary to satisfy other hygiene needs (cleaning, washing, etc.).

According to subparagraph “e” of paragraph 22 of Rules No. 124, if there is an obligation and technical ability to install a collective (common house heat energy metering device), the cost of thermal energy supplied to an apartment building not equipped with such a metering device, as well as supplied to an apartment building after 3 months after failure, loss of a previously put into operation collective (community) heat energy meter (after the expiration of its service life), as well as (the cost of supplied thermal energy if the contractor fails to provide information on the readings of the collective (common house) heat energy meter within the deadline , established by law or a resource supply agreement, if the contractor does not allow representatives of the resource supply organization 2 or more times to check the condition of an installed and put into operation collective (common house) heat energy metering device (checking the accuracy of the information provided about the readings of such a metering device) are determined based on the utility consumption standard heating services and the total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building using an increasing factor, the value of which is set at 1.1. This coefficient is not applied if there is an inspection report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing a collective (common house) utility metering device, confirming the lack of technical feasibility of installing such a metering device, starting from the billing period in which such an act was drawn up.

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In addition, the PC will be used in situations where unauthorized interference in the operation of the electric meter is detected. The volume of utilities here is calculated depending on the number of people living in the apartment on a permanent or temporary basis. However, the management company does not always have accurate information about the number of residents. In this case, calculations are made taking into account the number of owners of the premises. When using this technique, the calculated payment will increase noticeably, which will force violators to fix problems.

The size of the increasing coefficient and calculation of payment

The increasing coefficient began to be applied in 2015. and was originally 1.1. Because since 2009 and to this day, not all apartment owners have bothered to install PU, the government issued a new law establishing from January 2019. new increasing factor equal to 1.6.

  • lack of technical ability to install metering devices, confirmed by the Inspection Report;
  • in houses classified as dilapidated or in disrepair, subject to demolition or major repairs;
  • in houses, the power consumption of electrical energy of which is less than five kilowatts (in relation to the organization of metering of electrical energy used) or the maximum volume of consumption of thermal energy of which is less than two tenths of a gigacalorie per hour (in relation to the organization of metering of used thermal energy) (information on power consumption of electrical energy and the maximum volume of thermal energy consumption can be found in the management company, HOA).
  • in the absence of individual or general apartment metering devices for hot water, electrical energy and if there is an obligation and technical ability to install such a metering device;
  • in case of failure, loss or expiration of the metering device, if restoration (acceptance for commercial operation) of the device is not completed within 3 months.
  • if the consumer fails to provide the contractor with access to the residential premises occupied by the consumer on the date and time specified in the notice of checking the condition of installed and put into operation individual, common (apartment) metering devices, checking the accuracy of the information provided about the readings of such metering devices - after 3 months from the date of drawing up the first act of refusal of access to the meter.

In what cases is an increasing coefficient applied to owners of apartment buildings?

Increasing coefficients are not calculated. Increasing coefficients were approved and put into effect by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2016 N 603 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of utility services”)

  • it is impossible to install an IPU on water without carrying out reconstruction and major repairs of an apartment building, engineering and communication systems;
  • it is not possible to comply with the standards and requirements when installing meters;
  • there is no way to ensure proper operation of metering devices.

The identified reason for the lack of technical capability must be stated in the act. One copy of the document must remain in the hands of the owner of the premises, one in the management company or HOA, and one in the resource supply company.

Cost comparison

Obviously, a family of 2 people in the apartment where water meters are installed saves more than 200 rubles per month on cold water charges. Therefore, installing meters pays off quite quickly!

Now Article 157 of the Housing Code implies that residents pay for water based on data from metering devices, while apartment owners who do not have water meters are forced to pay according to consumption standards with increasing coefficients. The total amount of payment for resources increases by an average of 50 percent (from 2017 to the present, the size of the coefficients when calculating payments for cold and hot water is 1.5).

Deputies of A Just Russia, led by Sergei Mironov, introduced a bill to the State Duma that would abolish the norm on increased water charges for those who have not installed meters in their apartments. The document is at the disposal of the Parliamentary Gazette.

Deputies propose to exclude this provision from Article 157. In addition, their initiative also affects public meters - so that they can not be installed in old houses where there is no technical possibility for this, the deputies propose to oblige management companies to independently prove this fact. Now residents need to collect evidence themselves.

The highest prices are traditionally in Moscow. Muscovites pay for electricity from 5 rubles. 66 kopecks per kW/h. For cold water 42 rubles. 30 kopecks per cubic meter (according to meters, not counting drainage), for hot food - 205.15 rubles. By the way, if more than 10% of the budget is spent on rent each month, then residents of the capital have the right to a subsidy.

Application of the Increasing Coefficient in the Absence of Metering Devices 2021

The local government structure must announce a decision on the suitability of the property for permanent residence. And living conditions must be in accordance with technical and sanitary requirements.

Counters, fines and compensation. From January 1, the payment procedure for housing and communal services will change

The legislator allows the maintenance of utility tariffs for 3 months. The time limit is allotted to eliminate the breakdown of the metering device. After the expiration of the specified period, an increasing factor will be applied in the calculation, regardless of the circumstances of the case.

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As already mentioned, the cost of one cubic meter of water is determined by regional authorities. However, standards for water consumption and disposal of used water were established back in 1988. These utility standards are still in effect today.

Currently, the management company charges apartments without water meters a tariff with an increasing coefficient. The transition to direct payments between the population and the water utility is planned. Who will receive this bonus in the future? Management company or water utility?

Letter of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2021 No. 19506-00/04 On the application of increasing coefficients when paying the cost of thermal energy July 26, 2017 The Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services reviewed the letter on the issue of applying increasing factors coefficients and, within the framework of its competence, reports the following. According to Part 1 of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for utilities is calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by the readings of metering devices, and in their absence, based on the standards for the consumption of utilities (including including standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste) approved by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. When calculating payments for utility services for owners of premises in apartment buildings, who have an obligation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to equip their premises with metering devices for used water, electrical energy and whose premises are not equipped with such metering devices, increasing coefficients are applied to the consumption standard of the corresponding: type of utility service in the amount and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Rules for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 354). In cases established by the Rules, mandatory when concluding a management agreement organization or partnership of homeowners or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative of contracts with resource supply organizations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2012 No. 124 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 124), taking into account changes made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498, the cost of a utility resource supplied by a resource supplying organization to an apartment building is determined using an increasing coefficient. Clauses 42, 43, 60, 60(1), 62, 81(11), 85(3) of Rules No. 354 provide for cases of applying an increasing coefficient to the amount of payment for the corresponding utilities. The increasing coefficient does not increase the volume of utilities sold. The use of an increasing coefficient when calculating the volume of utility services is a measure aimed at stimulating consumers of utility services to install, timely repair and replace metering devices used in payments for utility services (Part 2 of Article 13 of the Federal Law). Thus, if the provider of utility services is a resource supplying organization, then the funds from the sale of utility resources, taking into account the application of increasing coefficients, form the income of the resource supplying organizations, used by the latter to meet expenses for regulated activities. Income received from the use of increasing factors is not taken into account when adjusting tariffs approved for the next year. Such income of the resource supplying organization cannot be envisaged for a long-term period of regulation. GARANT.RU:

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation conducted a study that gave more accurate indicators of resource costs. The basis was taken as a living space, where there are all types of plumbing and amenities. Over the course of a month, the residents of this house spent resources on:

Not taking into account the fact that there is a difference in user standards, depending on the region, there is a certified average resource consumption rate for the country. According to it, a citizen who does not have a water meter installed spends 6.96 cubic meters of cold water supply, and 4.8 m3 falls on hot water.

Water supply is one of the key public services available to citizens. As of today, payment for a resource can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on the indicators of the water meter, if there is one. And the second is payment based on the average statistical indicators of consumed consumption per person. When choosing one of them for yourself, you must know the water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter.

A significant difference for drawing up acts that determine the availability of the technical ability to install a common house metering device from acts relating to individual metering devices is the mandatory participation of the resource supplying organization.

Justification for using the increasing factor

According to specialized commissions under the Government of the Russian Federation, the existing socio-economic situation in each region is pushing cold water suppliers to take measures to increase tariffs for their services. Inflationary growth of the economy affects the components of the water tariff, although the burden of paying for utilities is very high for the population.

The cost of payment for cold water includes the cost of modernization and ongoing repairs of supply networks. An increase in prices for metallurgical products and electricity entails either a decrease in the volume of work carried out on cold water supply networks, or an increase in the tariff schedule for water supply services.

The deterioration of the networks and equipment of most enterprises does not allow reducing the number of repairs. Since this will affect the quality of drinking water, which affects the health of citizens and must comply with [2] SanPin “Drinking water”.

The amount of water consumed by the population also plays a large role in the share of the cost of the service. Unaccounted resource consumption greatly affects the economic indicators of the cost of the tariff. Since a larger amount of water requires greater costs for its extraction, bringing it to appropriate sanitary indicators and delivering it to the consumer.

By installing cold and hot water consumption meters, citizens strive to save natural resources. To cover the uneven unmetered water consumption compared to the amount of recorded consumption in 2015, an increasing coefficient was introduced for citizens who do not have an individual meter in their apartment.

How to avoid paying an increased coefficient for water in an apartment without a meter? Official clarifications

In accordance with clause 81 of the Rules, the criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing metering devices, as well as the form of the inspection report and the procedure for filling it out are approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. As amended by the Rules for the provision of public utility services, which was in force until February 26, 2014, this authority was granted to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian region.

If the premises in an apartment building belonging to the owner are not equipped with individual metering devices, or there are no communal metering devices, the responsibility for initiating the procedure for drawing up a report on the lack of technical possibility of installing them rests with the owners.

May 13, 2021 semeiadvo 499

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Increasing coefficients are conventionally divided into two groups

Our expert, practicing lawyer Elena Shereshovets, devoted a new issue of the online magazine “Housing and Communal Services: Dreams Come True” to the topic of using increasing coefficients when calculating fees for utility resources and analyzing cases when such calculations affect the payment of the Kyrgyz Republic for SOI, which the management organization pays to the resource supplier when direct contracts:

Increasing factors used in calculating payments for utility resources consumed by property owners can be divided into two groups:

  1. Applied in accordance with clause 60 of the RF PP No. 354 after three billing periods in the cases listed in clauses. “a”, “d” clause 59 of the RF PP No. 354:
  • the individual metering device accepted for calculations has broken down or is lost;
  • The service life of the individual metering device has expired.
  • the owner refused to provide the contractor with access to the meter.
  1. Used when drawing up an act on unauthorized interference in the work of the IPU (clause 81(11) of the RF Government No. 354).

Groups of coefficients differ not only in cases of their application, but also in their impact on the volume of CD on SOI. There are two options: in one case, the amount of the management organization’s fee is reduced, and in the other – not. Let's figure out what this depends on.

On the right of the MA to apply coefficient 10 when interfering in the work of the IPU


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