What temporary registration looks like Temporary registration is a separate insert form issued for a certain
Registration in a communal apartment: is neighbors’ consent required for registration? Ownership and use of property,
Is it possible to register in a private household in 2021 04/08/2018 There are a number of conditions for this:
An application for registration at the place of stay or residence is a document of a unified form approved
A reprimand is one of the least severe forms of disciplinary action imposed for violations. He
03/01/2021 The main part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces) currently consists of professional
What payments are due? Both an employee who has reached a certain age and a working pensioner can resign.
If a person owns land, begin construction of a residential building on it or
Regulatory regulation Activities related to the management of solid waste in Russia are regulated by a number of legal acts: Federal Law-52;