Complaining about a colleague who is interfering with work

What behavior in the workplace is considered unlawful?

The rules of conduct for an employee at an enterprise with colleagues, management, clients and partners must be defined in local regulations, as well as in the rules of business communication.

The Labor Code stipulates that any employee must communicate taking into account professional, corporate, and social norms.

Each employee must be familiarized with the adopted regulations upon signature. Thanks to this, he will have clear criteria by which his behavior will be assessed as unlawful.


This offense is expressed in the employee’s unlawful actions towards a third party, which led to the humiliation of his honor and dignity.

The use of obscene language, comparing an opponent with some animate or inanimate object, etc. can be considered an insult.

Very often, insults can be found between colleagues, as well as among superiors towards their subordinates.

Boorish behavior

Rudeness involves rude, insolent behavior or statements made by an employee. Most often, rudeness affects everyone around and is not directed at any person.

Usually, rudeness acts as an expression of the employee’s superiority over the people around him. Often this behavior can be found among colleagues who hide their incompetence.

Refusal to perform assigned duties

When signing an employment agreement between an employee and the administration, he undertakes to fulfill the duties assigned to him by this document. But sometimes a situation arises when an employee refuses to perform these duties.

This right is given to him by labor legislation, but only in situations where the administration does not fulfill its obligations to pay wages, or for other valid reasons.

Attention! In other situations, refusal to perform duties for an employee will be a serious disciplinary offense that may have consequences for him.

Manipulation in relationships

Manipulation assumes that an employee will use the weakness of another person in order to obtain some benefit.

Manipulation can be observed not only between colleagues, but also between superiors and subordinates. Sometimes the fact of manipulation is very difficult to determine.

However, if the second, injured party detects the presence of manipulation, it can complain about this to higher authorities.


It is quite difficult to prove manipulation; in addition, this offense cannot be qualified as a disciplinary violation. Here, only public censure can be used to combat it.

Possible liability

Very often, not only colleagues, but also immediate superiors (foremen, heads of departments, etc.) behave rudely. Moreover, the higher the position, the more impudently the person behaves. This kind of attitude towards yourself and the people around you cannot be tolerated.

Even if you are not a fan of writing complaints, your dignity must be preserved and protected.

If the application is successfully reviewed, the boorish employee will be punished as follows:

  • verbal remark, with a “promise” of further consequences;
  • the employer has the right to reprimand “with entry into his personal file”;
  • the violator will be deprived of the bonus;
  • deprivation of a position;
  • deprivation of work with an unflattering mark in the work book (or at your own request).

View a sample collective complaint

It also happens that the employer and employee have friendly or even family relations. This may be the primary reason for the employee's boorish behavior. Accordingly, everyone understands that it is useless to complain within the organization. But first, go through the authorities first:

  • try to resolve everything amicably with a colleague to whom you (and the team) have complaints;
  • write a complaint to your boss and wait for an answer. If the employer has not responded, then keep the second copy of the application, which will be proof of the fact of the request.

Then you can go to the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office, police, court and even the tax office. By the way, there is criminal punishment for insulting a person and the recovery of money for causing material damage.

Features of the complaint

All features are related to what kind of organization it is - private or public.

In the first case, if the company is private and has a specific owner, then the complaint is filed in his name. However, this does not mean that the owner will personally consider it: usually this is done either by the board of directors or by lawyers appointed for this purpose. One way or another, everything depends on the hierarchy.

The success of a complaint directly depends on its content. It is important to list everything about the violation of rights as specifically as possible - the inspection officer must clearly understand what happened. We must also rely on the fact that all commercial companies are looking for profit, which means that they do not need ineffective management.


The chances of a complaint being satisfied increase significantly if the complaint justifies the benefit for the company after the dismissal of the boss.

In the second case, when the company is state-owned, there is no need to justify the potential benefits when dismissing an employee. It is only necessary to objectively and as clearly as possible describe the situation that occurred. This is required so that the relevant services can conduct a thorough check and make an informed decision based on it.

Grounds for writing a complaint

There are quite a few labor and civil reasons that can serve as grounds for filing a collective petition against a managerial employee.

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The most common illegal actions are:

  • violation of the established procedure for wage payments;
  • refusal to pay bonuses;
  • refusal of official employment, conclusion of a TD;
  • refusal to provide scheduled leave and vacation payments;
  • forced labor, imposition of additional duties without pay;
  • refusal to pay for sick leave;
  • denial of promotion if there are grounds;
  • non-compliance with labor safety rules;
  • rude attitude, insults and boorish behavior towards subordinates;
  • sexual harassment;
  • physical remarks;
  • sabotage in production;
  • illegal dismissal of an employee.

Complaint about sabotage

Quite often, the management of an organization deliberately evades fulfilling its assigned duties, which causes harm to the entire team.

You can write a complaint about an internal conflict at an enterprise to the general director after collecting convincing evidence. It should be supplemented with a list of production orders, norms, and instructions that the offender ignored.

Violations of labor laws

Labor rights between the parties to the relationship are specified in the TD. If a boss infringes on the rights of an employee of a lower rank, his actions contradict the terms of the agreement and are regarded as a direct violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Consequently, management does not fulfill its official duties to the team and violates the labor agreement. This is a reason to file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.

Reasons for writing a complaint against your boss

An application against the director of the institution is submitted in all cases related to malicious violation of labor laws. The main factors for filing a claim are the following management misconduct:

  • Fraud with employee wages (we are talking about delays, non-payments, reduction of funds or illegal deprivation of bonuses).
  • Rudeness along with rudeness and insults towards their subordinates.
  • Inducing employees to perform duties that are not specified in their job descriptions (or not provided for in the employment contract).
  • Violation of labor safety rules in the institution.
  • The fact of sabotage of the production process.
  • Ignoring various orders from higher authorities (in this case, arbitrariness along with tyranny is implied).

Any written documents with audio and video recordings confirming the violation, as well as photographs with testimony from witnesses, are used as attachments to the claim.

For example, using a dictaphone recording, it is very convenient to record all sorts of illegal orders of a boss with insults to subordinates. Collective complaints to senior management are submitted in two copies, one of which, as a rule, remains with the employees. A mark of acceptance is placed on it (the name and position of the person who accepted the document and the date of receipt of the paper).

Making a claim

Before submitting an application, you should take into account all the pros and cons, and also familiarize yourself with an example of such an application in order to exclude the possibility of its rejection due to incorrect execution. Otherwise, there is a risk that the applicant will have his claims rejected.

And, as a result, undermining authority and deteriorating business reputation in the eyes of management and colleagues. A claim against a manager has its own characteristics, which we will consider below.

Complaint structure

Based on the content of Art. 4 clause 4 of Federal Law No. 59, an appeal from team members is a legal application to the appropriate authority to resolve an internal conflict at the enterprise. There are no special requirements for filing such an application.

It is compiled from a group of people in two copies according to the following principle:

  • indication of the exact addressee;
  • personal data of complaining persons;
  • the main part, which should include a brief and accurate description of the situation in which the rights of the company’s employees were infringed or violated;
  • list of requirements from applicants;
  • date of application;
  • signatures of team members with transcripts;
  • list of evidence.


When drawing up and subsequently submitting such an appeal, there is no need to list the names of the team members who signed in the header. It is enough to indicate that the application is being submitted on behalf of team members of a certain department or section of the production process.

Compilation rules

Let's briefly look at the basic rules that must be followed when submitting:

  1. You cannot use profanity. Personal insults are also not allowed. If these requirements are ignored, the application will not be accepted, and the applicant is deprived of the right to resolve the conflict pre-trial.
  2. The text should be succinct. There is no need to write a long story; it is worth briefly describing the main points of the conflict and what is wrong with the accused party. It is also not recommended to use expressions and phrases that are interpreted ambiguously.
  3. Speech must be literate. All syntactic and punctuation rules must be observed. This will increase the speed of consideration of the complaint.

It is always worth addressing the complaint correctly - in accordance with the hierarchy. If the administrator is the boss, then you need to complain to the director, and not the owner of the company, etc. This will not only increase the speed of processing the request, but will also allow the issue to be resolved faster.

Design nuances

Before you start filing a complaint, you must make a generalized list of all claims and demands.

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The following design details should also be taken into account:

  • the complaint is collective, but only one representative of the workers must write it;
  • after registration, all participants in the process must familiarize themselves with the text of the application;
  • do not allow threats, insults, or profanity in the text;
  • do not limit yourself to simple words, but attach to the application an extensive evidence base from written documentation, photos, video or audio materials;
  • support the written text with links to articles of law;
  • the list of complaining persons must be submitted as a separate application.

It is necessary to restrain the expression of emotions so that this does not lead to refusal to consider the application. Everything should be presented competently, accessible, briefly, but as informative as possible.

How to write a collective complaint against an employee at work (sample), a collective complaint against an employee

In Russia, it is not customary to complain about each other, but there are situations when a collective complaint against an employee is the only way out of the current situation.

And although the collective letter does not have a strictly regulated form, it is necessary to compose a statement for a colleague correctly. At first glance, a collective complaint against an employee, a sample of which you can download below, looks quite simple.

But everywhere there are pitfalls. An incorrectly drawn up document can turn against the applicant, and not against a careless partner.

It happens that collective responsibility is established at work. For example, in a store where several people work per shift, and after accounting, the shortage is divided among all employees.

Few people want to lose their earned money because of one or more people. Or another example, the company is engaged in the production of finished goods to order. The team must meet certain standards otherwise they will lose their bonus.

And bonuses in our time are most often greater than salary.

And yet, before you look for a sample of a collective complaint and rush to file it, try to influence the “saboteur” yourself.

You may be able to convince your work colleague without attracting the attention of your superiors. You can write an application for a partner for other reasons.

For example, you had an argument, and your opponent does not mince words when talking. Such actions must be stopped immediately.

And here we are again returning to the unshakable postulate - every employee in the company should know how to correctly write a complaint.

And if you are in doubt about how to write a collective complaint, seek help from specialists.

Our website's consultants, practicing lawyers, will help you fill out the necessary applications for free, taking into account the constantly changing domestic legislation.

General concepts

Employees working in the same organization do not always get along with each other. One can turn a blind eye to this until the conflict begins to interfere with their colleagues’ ability to perform their professional duties.

In principle, a complaint against a co-worker is not much different from a complaint about unlawful actions by an employer.

You can find an example of how to properly complain about your immediate superiors or a member of the management team by reading the article about which institutions you can contact to file a complaint against your employer for non-payment of wages. The general rules for filing all complaints are not too different from each other. In our case, the final recipient of the complaint can be considered a significant difference. If you can write against an employer all the way to the Supreme Court (subject to an appeal), then in the case of a colleague, the only place you can go other than the top management of the organization is the labor commission. At the same time, it is necessary to express your indignation at the behavior of a colleague in writing and, best of all, in a collegial manner. As legal practice shows, by doing this you can achieve maximum effect.

There are different conflicts, and although it is very rare (but still possible), you will have to enter into litigation.

In this case, a written response (as well as a lack of response) to a collective complaint from the immediate (or superior) superior may become the basis for filing a statement of claim.

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Possible liability

Very often, not only colleagues, but also immediate superiors (foremen, heads of departments, etc.) behave rudely.

Moreover, there is such a tendency that the higher the position, the more impudently the person behaves.

This kind of attitude towards yourself and the people around you cannot be tolerated.

Even if you are not a fan of writing complaints, your dignity must be preserved and protected.

If your application is successfully reviewed, the boorish employee will be punished in one of the following ways:

  • a verbal remark may be made, with a “promise” of further consequences;
  • the employer has the right to reprimand “with entry into his personal file”;
  • the violator will be deprived of his bonus (which for many ordinary employees is much worse than a reprimand or reprimand);
  • deprivation of a position;
  • deprivation of work with an unflattering mark in the work book (or at your own request, at best).

View a sample collective complaint

It also happens that the employer and the person behaving arrogantly are on friendly or even related terms.

Most often, this is the primary reason for his defiant behavior (and sometimes such people simply exist). Accordingly, everyone understands that it is useless to complain within the organization.

But before you go further through the authorities, you still need to first:

  • try to resolve everything amicably with a colleague to whom you (and the team) have complaints;
  • write a complaint to your boss and wait for a response from him (or not wait - the main thing is that you keep your copy with a note from the office that the complaint was accepted).

Then you can go to the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office, police, court and even the tax office. By the way, there is criminal liability for insulting a person and the recovery of money for causing material damage.

Useful information

Conscientious employees should be aware of the following:

  • it is better to complain about rudeness and sabotage collectively; people listen to a group of people more than to an individual;
  • there is no need to go around complaining verbally, you need to put everything on paper and attach evidence of your words;
  • as evidence you can use documents, audio and video materials, witness statements, recordings from video cameras in the office, etc.;
  • no matter which organization you write your complaint to, be sure to keep confirmation that your complaint was accepted;
  • exclude emotions, remain calm and do not deviate from the business tone of the letter;

It is very rare that statements are filed against “colleagues” in court, but the reasons for this are quite cruel:

  • rape and/or persistent sexual stalking;
  • humiliation of the individual (we have already talked about this);
  • illegal actions of colleagues (s) that were committed with clear intent with the aim of setting up a colleague (s) and bringing him (them) under disciplinary action and / or dismissal.

The punishment will be determined by the judge depending on the severity of the act and the consequences after it.

In any case, if you find yourself on the side of the injured or accused party (after all, the plaintiff is also a person and may harbor malicious intent and slander), you have the opportunity to receive free legal advice online.

Where is the document submitted?

It is important not only to draw up a statement, but also to decide where to complain about the boss. Initially, we send the application to the immediate higher authority. Further proceedings may lead to the need to seek assistance from:

  • labor inspection;
  • prosecution authorities;
  • judicial system.

To senior management

When complaining to a superior, we submit the following statement:

  • by mail;
  • through the secretary.

In any case, the second copy is saved. It will be useful if the proceedings are continued in other instances.

To the labor inspectorate

Believing that management should not be allowed to exceed their authority and trample on the rights of employees, they attract support in the form of the labor inspectorate.

What answer can the labor inspectorate give?

This structure has the capabilities:

  • conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection;
  • issue an order to eliminate violations within a period not exceeding one month;
  • bring the manager to administrative responsibility, as a rule, fine him;
  • remove a manager (temporarily or permanently);
  • suspend the activities of the organization until the violations are eliminated;
  • bring to criminal liability.

Trade union organization

A trade union is an independent body created by workers of companies to protect their rights and interests (Article 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Immediately contacting a trade union is one of the most effective and simplest ways to deal with a violation of rights by an employer. The organization's staff will advise the applicant and take effective measures.

Labor Dispute Commission

The CTS is formed at a general meeting of the workforce of 15 people and is approved by voting. After its formation, the team has the opportunity to protect its rights and defend its interests.

Members of such a commission have the authority to make decisions regarding situations under consideration that are subject to immediate execution.

To the prosecutor's office

When filing a complaint, we take into account what violations this department is called upon to deal with.

Please note that you can complain about management to both the labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office.

To the court

In difficult situations, the manager considering the complaint is warned that the applicant is ready to defend his rights and interests in court.

It comes to court proceedings when it is necessary to seek compensation for the damage caused. Therefore, the statement of claim must reflect the presence of:

  • claims presented to management and rejected by them;
  • weighty evidence base.

Complaint about a scandalous employee

  • What behavior in the workplace is considered unlawful?
  • Drawing up and filing a claim
  • What penalties can be applied?

What behavior in the workplace is considered unlawful? Since there is no description of unlawful behavior for which an employee should be subject to disciplinary liability in the Labor legislation, in order to be able to recognize the employee’s inappropriate behavior and then apply appropriate penalties, this definition should be included in the regulatory documentation of the work organization. Responsibility for introducing this concept into the documentation (collective agreement or “Internal Rules of a Labor Organization”) lies with the highest official of the organization, namely its head.

Complaint about rude behavior of an employee

The basis may be a review from a dissatisfied client, information from a “complaint” book, a memo from a line manager, etc.

  • If you experience rudeness, abuse, scandal or other unacceptable behavior from an employee for the first time, you can limit yourself to a verbal remark (strict reprimand).
  • A written complaint or repeated incident of rudeness is grounds for disciplinary action (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • The management must request an explanatory note from the offending employee. If he does not provide it within two days, a statement of refusal is drawn up, which is certified by two signatures.
  • Having written evidence of inappropriate behavior and the employee’s own explanations (or refusal of them), management issues a reprimand order. The culprit should be familiarized with the order, and his signature should be obtained.

Collective complaint against an employee of the organization

A penalty can be imposed no later than a month after the violation was committed.

If during this time the culprit went on vacation or sick leave, the terms are slightly delayed, but not longer than six months.

The second important circumstance is that punishment for an offense cannot be double. If you have reprimanded a brawler, he can no longer, for example, be deprived of bonuses, and vice versa.

You also cannot fire an employee who has already been punished for misconduct in another way. Boorish co-worker: who is to blame and what to do A situation often arises when one employee commits unacceptable behavior towards another co-worker.

Attention: The offended person asks for protection from his superiors, and if he doesn’t receive it, he quits.

Is management to blame in this case? From a universal point of view, it is possible, since the internal atmosphere is a consequence of the employer’s attitude. But from a legal position there are no grounds for the employer’s guilt.

How to complain about a colleague

Important Here it is important to point out that such employee behavior is recorded on a regular basis and is the “norm” for him.

  • In the “Requirement” part, you should indicate a request for the application of appropriate punitive measures in relation to the employee, in view of the disciplinary violations committed by him (based on the collective agreement or the “Internal Rules of the Labor Organization”;
  • At the very end, the date of filing the note, initials and personal signature of the applicant are indicated.

The compiled memo is handed over to the head of the organization, after which he announces the beginning of an internal investigation, which is accompanied by an interview with the most negligent employee, as well as other colleagues (witnesses of boorish behavior). Upon inspection, the manager makes a decision on the application of disciplinary punishment.

Is it possible and how to fire an employee for rudeness?

Quite often, a complaint against an employee from the entire team is the only way to “restrain” a colleague who himself does not fulfill his job responsibilities and prevents others from doing so. First of all, you can write a collective complaint against such a negligent employee to the head of the organization. Often such actions do not bring results, since employers prefer not to “wash dirty linen in public.” If this happens, then you should write a complaint to government agencies that supervise the activities of employers. These are organs such as:

  • Labour Inspectorate;
  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Court.

Workers can file a complaint with any of these bodies. But, if you file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, the inspectors themselves will conduct the necessary checks and collect evidence of the violation.

How to properly write a report about an employee’s inappropriate and boorish behavior?

The note must be submitted officially, through a secretary or other person who will register it. There must be a response from the addressee to this paper.

FOR REFERENCE! The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of protecting the honor and dignity of the insulted person if the offender cannot prove his words. In this case, the applicant has the right to go to court and demand an apology from the rude person or compensation for moral damage.

We fight “evil tongues” in the team using legal methods

Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

  • failure to perform or improper performance of duties due to the fault of the employee (Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

IMPORTANT! A violation is considered such from a legal point of view if the corresponding norm was adopted in writing and the employee is familiar with it, which is recorded by his signature.

It matters in what area the rude person works and to whom his rudeness is addressed. For example, incomparable incorrect communication with clients in the service sector and dialogues between general workers.

Possible punishments for rudeness at work Behavior that goes beyond accepted norms always entails consequences.

The legal framework provides for three possible types of punishment that an employer has the right to apply to its employees:


Ways to file a complaint

This can be done:

  • in person or by mail;
  • using an authorized representative or notary.

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When choosing a method for filing a complaint, we take into account:

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  • ease of implementation;
  • rationality;
  • effectiveness of influence on the addressee.

In writing

A collective complaint is an official complaint that is written in any form. There is no single sample or form; it should be drawn up individually, taking into account the given circumstances. The paper is written by hand or typed on a computer and printed.


With the help of the Internet, most issues can be resolved. It is on the World Wide Web that several portals have been created that allow you to formulate claims.

Who accepts documents for this category of cases

The question of how to write an anonymous collective complaint against a manager, taking into account a ready-made sample, has been discussed. Next, you need to decide where to file your claim. Naturally, complaints are addressed to persons who are subordinate to the management of the team.

This is also important to know:
For what reason does the employer not pay wages?

If the results of the investigation by senior managers did not satisfy the requirements of the team or the decision was made biased, the appeal was ignored, then you can go further and contact the specific owner of the company. When such attempts also do not bring results, you need to contact the court and other government agencies.

In case of a complaint to the prosecutor's office or higher, remember that they are dealing with serious problems. An appeal to such government bodies should be justified, worthwhile, and only if there is no one to complain to within the company. Think before you make a claim, are you really right and have your rights been violated? If the answer is positive, you should, of course, send a letter to the court.

In order for everything to end well:

  1. Be confident in your decision.
  2. Don't be afraid of getting fired. After all, why would you work with a bad company?
  3. Remember that you are protecting your rights, personal or labor. These actions cannot be considered wrong or bad.

No matter who you are or what their status is, no one should violate your rights.

A collective complaint against an employee according to the sample can be put into effect under the supervision of inspectors; the state inspectorate monitors the quality performance of duties, for example, in a certain department of a kindergarten, in a hospital, at a school at the classroom table, so that tyrant bosses do their job correctly and do not agitate your team to write collective complaints.

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Rusanova Natalya Viktorovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of St. Petersburg Mining University.

Thanks to Pavlyuchenko A.V. from Astafieva A.S. I express my gratitude to the Legal Agency and in particular to lawyer Alexander Viktorovich Pavlyuchenko for the work done, high qualifications and high-quality approach. Thanks to Alexander Viktorovich, we managed to achieve a result in court in a case on the protection of consumer rights that I did not even expect. The amount recovered in court even exceeded my expectations. Thank you very much for your qualified work and professionalism.

Sincerely, Astafieva A.S., 03/01/2019

Gratitude from Volkova N.E. I express my gratitude to Vasily Anatolyevich for his professional and competent assistance in resolving the issue of protecting my consumer rights. As a result, I received decent compensation from. Thank you!

Volkova N.E. November 30, 2018

Gratitude from P.V. Greshina I would like to express my deep gratitude to the employees of your company - Sergei Vyacheslavovich Mavrichev and Konstantin Vasilyevich Solovyov for their enormous support, for their competent explanation and good attitude towards people. I wish you success and prosperity.

Greshina P.V. 03/23/2018

Letter of gratitude to Ermakov A.V.

Gratitude from Plisetsky V.V. I would like to express my gratitude to Sergei Vyacheslavovich Mavrichev for his sensitive attitude and understanding towards clients. The issue was resolved within one day. I am very grateful to Sergei Vyacheslavovich.

Plisetsky V.V. October 19, 2018

Gratitude from Komardin I ask you to express my gratitude to lawyer Alexander Viktorovich, who competently and clearly explained to me my further actions to solve the problem that my relatives found themselves in.

02/11/18 Komardin S.I.

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Lyubov Tunnova December 12, 2018

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N.S. Khokhlov December 12, 2017

Acceptable time limits for responding to a complaint

When determining the period within which an enterprise must respond to a complaint received, it matters from whom it came.

If it comes from a government agency, then a response must be drawn up within thirty days. When a response letter requires additional information from third parties, this period may be extended by an additional thirty days.


When the response period is not defined by the standards, each company can determine its own period within reasonable limits in its regulations. For example, when writing a complaint, its authors often ask for an answer within 7-10 days.

Additional questions

What does a collective complaint mean to management?

After the investigation, management may be subject to the following actions:

  • penalties;
  • dismissal of a manager;
  • ban on the right to occupy leadership positions;
  • bringing to criminal or administrative liability.

The consequences depend on the individual case and the severity of the violations.

Is anonymous submission of an appeal allowed?

Anonymous application submission is not possible. This fact is fixed by the rules of business correspondence. Upon receipt of such an appeal, the Commission has the right to refuse to consider it.

However, in the notes to the complaint, the complainant may indicate that he does not want his data to be shared with management. Thus, anonymity will only be partially preserved and at the initial stages the boss will not know the identity of the person who filed the complaint.

What penalties can be applied?

Disciplinary measures are determined by legal norms. Also, an economic entity has the right to establish measures of influence on an employee for a disciplinary offense.

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The main requirement is that the company employees be familiarized with the acts that established them, upon signature.

Articles 192 and 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establish a strict list of penalties that an employer can apply to its employees:

  1. Announcements are made verbally.
  2. Issuance of a reprimand by order of management.
  3. Termination of an employment contract with an employee.

In order to apply disciplinary measures correctly, it is necessary to comply with established procedures, including the presentation by the employee of the company of an explanatory note in which he explains what happened.

It is also important to consider the period when an employee can be held accountable. By law, this time is limited to one month. The employer must remember that the same violation cannot be punished twice.

It is imperative to take into account that bonuses are awarded for compliance with certain established criteria.

If they are violated, then bonuses will not be paid. This is not a disciplinary punishment, but is considered a material consequence of the current situation.


The main thing is that the criteria by which bonuses are accrued or not accrued are recorded in the appropriate regulations and employees are familiarized with this act upon signature.

Is it possible to fire an employee for rudeness?

Labor law standards do not define what behavior of a company employee is considered good and what is regarded as rudeness.

However, if you incorrectly address your colleagues or partners of the organization, this person may be subject to disciplinary action. At the same time, these measures must be enshrined in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

Dismissal for rudeness of an employee is permitted subject to the following conditions:

  • Standards of behavior are described in the employee’s work instructions, the employment contract drawn up with him, and the internal regulations. At the same time, all employees must be familiarized with the latter.
  • The fact of insult and boorish attitude of the employee towards colleagues and partners was recorded by drawing up a corresponding act. The basis for its preparation is a report or a complaint received.
  • Initially, the employee is punished in the form of a verbal reprimand.
  • If an employee commits this offense repeatedly, he will be subject to disciplinary action. An explanatory note must be requested from him, and the imposition of a penalty must be formalized by a written order of the manager.
  • Dismissal follows if the person has three violations that are considered outstanding at the time of dismissal. These violations may not necessarily be associated with boorish attitudes. If violations involving insult to personality are repeated, then the employee who violates the rules can be fired for repeated violations of labor discipline.

Where to file and how to file a complaint against an employee

In Russia, it is not customary to file complaints, but a collective appeal against an employee is the only way out of the current situation. And although the collective letter does not have a strictly regulated sample, it is necessary to draw up an application for a colleague correctly.

› Labor law ›{q}v=KYFR7LPfauQ

Working in a team does not always bring pleasure; there are often cases when conflict situations arise and a complaint is filed against a negligent employee. This happens especially often if some colleagues openly ruin your work day and reduce your productivity. Unfortunately, it is not always within your power to simply fire such an employee.

For such cases, jurisprudence provides the opportunity to write a complaint against a specific person. After filing it, management or the relevant authorities will be obliged to take the necessary measures, punish the culprit of the complaint and provide the complainant with a written response.

A complaint against a specific employee is not just a statement; in order to formalize and submit it, you need to carefully prepare and collect the necessary facts about the behavior of a colleague that does not comply with generally accepted standards. The claim can be either individual or collective.

Before you write a complaint against your colleague, you should be clear that there will be consequences. Therefore, before submitting such a paper, you should weigh the pros and cons, and if the claim is really the only way out of the current situation, start writing.

  • Sample of a collective complaint against an employee of an organization
  • Collective complaint against an employee of the organization
  • How to write a complaint against an employee of the organization. Collective complaint against an employee of an organization: sample, submission and consideration
  • Sample complaint about an employee's work. Filing a complaint against an employee or institution{q} Complaining from a colleague against a colleague
  • Sample collective complaint against an employee, sample collective complaint against an employee of an organization. — Reviews and complaints
  • Collective complaint against a colleague - advice from 28,480 lawyers and jurists
  • How to properly complain about a colleague

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Each company attracts third parties who act as its employees and perform their job duties. Often these individuals enter into relationships with other people, acting on behalf of the organization. But it may happen that this employee comes into conflict with someone, and a third-party complaint is filed against the employee.

The rules of conduct for an employee at an enterprise with colleagues, management, clients and partners must be defined in local regulations, as well as in the rules of business communication.

The Labor Code stipulates that any employee must communicate taking into account professional, corporate, and social norms.

Each employee must be familiarized with the adopted regulations upon signature. Thanks to this, he will have clear criteria by which his behavior will be assessed as unlawful.


This offense is expressed in the employee’s unlawful actions towards a third party, which led to the humiliation of his honor and dignity.

The use of obscene language, comparing an opponent with some animate or inanimate object, etc. can be considered an insult.

Very often, insults can be found between colleagues, as well as among superiors towards their subordinates.

Boorish behavior{q}v=TsAtOLYuVXQ

Rudeness involves rude, insolent behavior or statements made by an employee. Most often, rudeness affects everyone around and is not directed at any person.

Usually, rudeness acts as an expression of the employee’s superiority over the people around him. Often this behavior can be found among colleagues who hide their incompetence.

When signing an employment agreement between an employee and the administration, he undertakes to fulfill the duties assigned to him by this document. But sometimes a situation arises when an employee refuses to perform these duties.

This right is given to him by labor legislation, but only in situations where the administration does not fulfill its obligations to pay wages, or for other valid reasons.

Attention! In other situations, refusal to perform duties for an employee will be a serious disciplinary offense that may have consequences for him.

Manipulation can be observed not only between colleagues, but also between superiors and subordinates. Sometimes the fact of manipulation is very difficult to determine.

However, if the second, injured party detects the presence of manipulation, it can complain about this to higher authorities.

In order to convey the fact of the incident to management, the victim must write a claim. It can come from both other employees and clients of the organization.

Types of complaints

Let's look at what types of complaints exist.


If a complaint against an employee is filed by one person - a colleague or a visitor, it will be considered individual.

The document must necessarily contain the applicant’s personal data, otherwise it may not be considered. This type of complaint is most often encountered in practice.


If the employee’s behavior affected the whole team, then all offended citizens can make a single collective complaint.

The most important thing here is that the rights of everyone who signs must be violated as a result of the incident. A collective complaint usually carries more weight.

In almost every work collective there are employees who perform their duties in bad faith. This can lead to an unfair redistribution of responsibilities between other workers, who have to work harder and take on the responsibilities of a colleague.

In such a situation, a good way out would be to file a complaint against the employee with a demand to take action and eliminate the violation of labor discipline.

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  • Moscow.
  • Saint Petersburg.
  • violation of work discipline (for example, absenteeism);
  • deviant behavior of a colleague (for example, drinking alcohol or fighting);
  • unlawful behavior of the immediate supervisor: refusal to grant leave, incorrectly accrued benefits and other payments, wrongful dismissal from work, delayed wages;
  • violation of criminal law: for example, sexual harassment or threats.

The specified list of grounds for transfer of a complaint is not exhaustive.

A complaint can be filed either individually or as a group.

Filing an individual complaint against a co-worker may be ineffective and a more effective method in this case is a collective complaint. Such a statement is usually considered more carefully.

Filing a collective complaint increases the applicants' chances of success when their application is considered by regulatory authorities or the court.

Submitting a complaint against an employee includes the following steps:

  1. The first thing that needs to be done to restore labor discipline is to file a complaint addressed to the manager.
  2. If for some reason the manager has not taken the necessary measures to bring the offender to justice within a reasonable time, then the applicants can forward the complaint to the labor inspectorate.
  3. If the labor inspectorate refused to consider the complaint or the measures taken, in the opinion of the applicants, were insufficient, then they can apply to the prosecutor’s office to protect their rights.

A unified form of complaint against an employee has not been developed. But there is a list of information that must be contained in the complaint.

Very often, a complaint against an employee is the only effective way to rein in a colleague whose actions interfere with the ability of another employee to perform their professional duties well.

We spend a significant part of our lives at our workplace, so staying there should be comfortable. Sometimes conflict situations arise between employees. Many of them are resolved over time, but in some cases the confrontation intensifies so much that one of the employees is forced to quit.

In our country, it is not customary to complain about a colleague, but you should learn to defend your dignity. The right of citizens to file various types of claims is formalized by law.

Transferring the dispute to the legal field, with the help of a qualified lawyer, will allow you to find a civilized solution to the current situation.

Your complaint against an employee can be directed to the company management. If the actions have no result, then you should write to the organizations that supervise the activities of specialized institutions, the labor inspectorate, as well as the prosecutor’s office or the court.

One employee can complain about an employee, or you can file a complaint. By enlisting the help of our lawyer, you can receive a free sample application and assistance in drafting it.

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