Statement of claim for debt collection

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agreement...\par\pard } {\footer \ltrpar \trowd \irow0\irowband0\trftsWidth2\trwWidth5000\trftsWidthB3\trftsWidthA3\trautofit1\trgaph0\trleft0\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdr w10\clvertalt\cellx3433\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2 \clwWidth1666\clshdrawnil \clvertalt\cellx6866\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2\clwWidth1666\clshdrawnil \clvertalt\cellx10299\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2\clwWidth1666\clshdrawnil \pard\plain \intbl\itap1 \s65554\fi0\li0\ql\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f5\fs20 \fi0\li0 {\field {\*\fldinst DATE \\@ "dd.MM.yyyy" \\* MERGEFORMAT }} \cell \pard\plain \intbl\itap1 \s65554\fi0\li0\ ql\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f5\fs20 \fi0\li0\qc System GARANT\cell \pard\plain \intbl\itap1 \s65554\fi0\li0\ql\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f5\fs20 \fi0\ li0\qr {\field {\*\fldinst PAGE \\* MERGEFORMAT }}/\pard\plain \intbl\itap1 \s65554\fi0\li0\ql\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f5\fs20 \fi0\li0\ qr {\field {\*\fldinst NUMPAGES \\* Arabic \\* MERGEFORMAT }}\cell \trowd \irow0\irowband0\trftsWidth2\trwWidth5000\trftsWidthB3\trftsWidthA3\trautofit1\trgaph0\trleft0\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\trbr drl \brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10 \clvertalt\cellx3433\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2\clwWidth1666\clshdrawnil \clvertalt\cellx6866\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2\clwWidth 1666\clshdrawnil\clvertalt\cellx10299\cltxlrtb\clftsWidth2\clwWidth1666 \clshdrawnil \row \pard\plain } \pard\plain \s1\qc\hyphpar1\sb108\sa108 \f4\fs24\b1\cf17 {\field{\*\fldinst {HYPERLINK “https://internet.garant. ru/document/redirect/55724911/0"}}{\fldrslt {\cs24\b0\cf18 Sample form of a statement of claim for debt collection under a paid services agreement (prepared by experts)}}}\par\pard \pard\plain \ fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 In [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 name of the arbitration court\line to which the application is submitted}]\par \pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698 \qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 Plaintiff: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 F.\~I.\~O./name}]\line if the plaintiff is a citizen:\line place of residence: [{ \cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line date and place of birth: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line place of work/date and place of state registration\par\ pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 as an individual entrepreneur: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required}] \line telephone/fax: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line email address: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\par\pard \pard \plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 if the plaintiff is an organization:\line address: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one} ]\line telephone/fax: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line email address: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\par\pard \ pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \ cs65552\f4\fs24 Defendant: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 F.\~I.\~O./name}]\line if the defendant is a citizen:\line place of residence: [{\cs26\ b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line date and place of birth (if known): [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line place of work (if known): [{\ cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 one of the identifiers: SNILS; TIN; series and number}\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 {\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 identification document personality; OGRNIP; series and}\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 {\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 driver's license number; series and number}\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \fi698\qr \cs65552\f4\fs24 {\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 registration certificate vehicle}]\line if the defendant is a legal entity:\line address: [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\line Taxpayer Identification Number (if known): [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1 \cf17 enter the required one}]\line OGRN (if known): [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required one}]\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4 \fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \s1\qc\hyphpar1\sb108\sa108 \f4\fs24\b1\cf17 Statement of claim\line for debt collection under a paid services agreement\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4 \fs24 [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 Day, month, year}] between [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 full name of the plaintiff}] and [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1 \cf17 full name of the defendant}] an agreement was concluded for the provision of paid services for [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 indicate the subject of the agreement}] N\~[{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value}]. According to the said agreement, the Plaintiff, as a contractor, assumed obligations for [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter the required}], and the Defendant, as a customer, undertook to pay the cost of the services provided under this agreement.\par\pard \pard\plain \ fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 According to clause\~[{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value}] of the service agreement, payments between the parties are made in the following order: [ {\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 enter what is needed, for example, payment for services rendered must be made by the customer monthly within 5 banking days after signing the certificate of completion of work based on the issued invoice}].\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 According to the certificate of services rendered dated [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 day, month, year}] the Plaintiff provided services to the Defendant in the amount of [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 amount in figures and words}]\~rub., and the Defendant accepted the services rendered.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\ fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 The Customer was issued corresponding invoices for payment.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 In violation of {\field {\*\fldinst {HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt {\cs24\b0\cf18 art.\~781}}} Civil Code of the Russian Federation services provided The defendant has not paid.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 In accordance with clause cf17 value}] of the contract for the provision of services in case of delay in payment of the cost of services, the customer pays the contractor [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 indicate the type of penalty}] in the amount of [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value} ]\~% of the debt amount for each day of delay. As of the date of filing the claim, the payment delay is [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value}] days. Thus, the amount [indicate the type of sanction] is [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 amount in figures and words}] rub.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4 \fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 Due to the fact that the customer improperly fulfilled his obligations, the amount of the Defendant's debt under the service agreement as of the day of filing the claim is [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 amount in figures and in words}] rub.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 For the purpose of reconciliation of the parties [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 indicate information about the actions taken by the party (parties) aimed at reconciliation, if such actions were taken}].\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 On based on the above, guided by {\field{\*\fldinst {HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt {\cs24\b0\cf18 art.\~781 }}} Civil Code of the Russian Federation, {\field{\*\fldinst {HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt {\cs24\b0\cf18 art. . 125}}}, {\field{\*\fldinst {HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt {\cs24\b0\cf18 126}}} Agroindustrial Complex of the Russian Federation,\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \ f4\fs24 \fi698\qc \cs65552\f4\fs24 please:\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\ plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 1. To collect from the Defendant in favor of the Plaintiff the amount of debt under the service agreement N\~[{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value}] from [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 day, month, year}] in the amount of [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 amount in figures and words}] rub.\par\pard \ pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 2. To recover from the Defendant in favor of the Plaintiff [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 indicate the type of sanction}] under the agreement paid provision of services N\~[{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 value}] from [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 day, month, year}] in the amount of [c{\cs26\b1 \cf17 \b1\cf17 ummah in numbers and words}] rub.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 Applications:\par\pard \pard \plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 1. Notice of delivery of a copy of the statement of claim to the defendant.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 2. Document confirming payment of the state fee.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 3. Copy service agreements.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 4. Copies of invoices.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\ qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 5. Calculation of debt.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 6. A copy of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity. signing the statement of claim.\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 8. Documents confirming the performance of actions by the party (parties) aimed at reconciliation, if any actions have been taken and the relevant documents are available. sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1\cf17 position, signature, initials, surname}]\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0 \sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 [{\cs26\b1\cf17 \b1 \cf17 day, month, year}]\par\pard \pard\plain \fi720\qj\hyphpar1\sb0\sa0 \f4\fs24 \cs65552\f4\fs24 \par\pard }

Statement of claim for debt collection under a loan agreement, receipt

Statement of claim for debt collection under a loan agreement (receipt) Sample. A short form of a statement of claim for debt collection by receipt. Statement of claim for debt collection under a loan agreement. Sample. Demands are made to collect from the borrower the debt under the loan agreement (optionally, by receipt), as well as interest for the use of other people's funds. Statement of claim for recovery of funds under a receipt (loan agreement) with interest calculation. Sample (an example of calculating the amount of interest for using a loan is given). Statement of claim for recovery of the loan amount and interest for the unlawful use of someone else’s funds in connection with violation of the terms of the loan agreement. Sample. Statement of claim for termination of the loan agreement by the employer and recovery of the unpaid loan amount from the employee. Sample. The loan agreement is concluded between the employee and the employer. An essential condition of the loan agreement was the method of repayment of funds - by deduction from the employee’s salary. However, the employee (borrower) is dismissed from the organization, and the security for repayment of the loan amount is lost. Statement of claim for recovery of funds under a loan agreement to the Arbitration Court. The parties to the loan agreement are business entities - an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Traditional demands are made for the collection of the unpaid loan amount and interest for the use of funds. Statement of claim for collection of debt under a receipt, interest on the loan amount, interest for illegal use of funds Statement of claim for collection of debt under a loan agreement and interest for the use of someone else's money

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