Sick leave rules worth remembering

Sick leave - what is it?

A document confirming absence of working days due to illness and the right to payment of benefits is called a “certificate of incapacity for work” or “sick leave”. This is a certificate indicating the start and end dates of the illness. The document confirms that at a specific period of time the employee was unable to perform official duties due to health reasons.

What does a sick note look like:

  • blue form with white cells to fill out;
  • At the top, information about the patient is indicated - last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, place of work;
  • below are the lines that the medical worker fills out - reason, disability, table with opening and closing dates and doctor’s signatures;
  • The information at the bottom of the sheet is written by the employer - the employee’s insurance data, notes on the accrual of benefits.

The duration of sick leave depends on the reason for receiving it:

  • disease;
  • self-isolation;
  • injury at work;
  • maternity leave;
  • Occupational Illness;
  • prosthetics;
  • sanatorium treatment;
  • caring for a sick adult or minor family member;
  • child's disability.

The doctor writes out a sick leave certificate at the first appointment. A certificate of illness is submitted to the HR department on the first day of returning to work after recovery. The paper sheet is certified with the seals of the hospital and place of work. The official form is protected from counterfeiting by a watermark and a unique barcode. The certificate of incapacity for work can also be obtained electronically.

For what symptoms do they give sick leave, a list of the disease?

Almost every person has at least once had the desire not to go to work. Everyone has a condition when you are unwell in the morning and feel very bad, but there is no temperature.

You can somehow legally not go to work.

Is there a register of diseases for which sick leave is issued for at least a few days or a week without pronounced symptoms of the disease.

A sick leave certificate is a document issued by a doctor to a person when he is unable to work due to health reasons and gives the right to receive cash benefits for the period of incapacity for work. In this case, the patient must be a registered participant in the social insurance system and have a policy.

In what cases is sick leave issued?

There is no list of pathologies for which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued. A sick leave is issued to a citizen in the presence of diseases or conditions when his ability to work is limited.

This may not only be due to poor health and physical condition due to illness.

It is given to pregnant women with any disease or condition that poses a threat to the unborn child, as well as to those caring for sick children.

The reasons for its provision are as follows:

  • injury at work;
  • due to illness;
  • pregnancy;
  • IVF procedure;
  • childbirth;
  • care for children under seven years of age;
  • carrying out prosthetics for medical reasons;
  • caring for incapacitated family members;
  • for the period of an educational institution during quarantine;
  • follow-up treatment in a sanatorium or resort;
  • suspension from work of catering or kindergarten employees infected with a contagious disease or a carrier of it.

Is there a release from work when there are no symptoms?

There are pathologies in which exemption from work is issued if there are no clinical symptoms.

These include the following diseases:

  • exacerbation of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • exacerbation of allergies;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • gastritis;
  • complications of conjunctivitis;
  • poisoning (except alcohol);
  • during treatment at the dentist.

An employee who feels unwell has the right to go to the clinic. If there is a suspicion of these diseases, he is given sick leave and sent for examination. If not, he will be given a certificate for one day to present at his place of work.

For what symptoms are sick leave denied?

A certificate of incapacity for work may be refused not only in the absence of signs of illness, but also in other circumstances.

These include the following:

  • being in custody;
  • attendance at a routine medical examination;
  • medical examination through the military registration and enlistment office;
  • suffering from chronic diseases, but in the absence of deterioration in health.

Diagnoses for which sick leave is not required:

  • heel spur - with this pathology, even if there is pain, they will recommend using special insoles;
  • during wisdom tooth extraction, which was completed without complications.

In this situation, a certificate is issued for one day. They are released from work only in case of inflammatory damage to the tissues surrounding the tooth.

Can they issue a certificate of incapacity for work without a fever?

A sick leave certificate can be issued for a cold if, in addition to this symptom, there are other signs of the disease. At an appointment with a therapist, you can report that you have taken any antipyretic. But yesterday I had a fever. The doctor will always look for other symptoms that can be detected during a routine examination.

In this disease they are as follows:

  • cough;
  • red throat;
  • increased sweating;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • runny nose;
  • general weakness;
  • lacrimation;
  • aches in bones and muscles;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • paroxysmal dry cough.

The doctor will send the patient for tests and additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis. Be prepared for this.

If a patient has all the signs of an acute respiratory disease, then the therapist will never refuse to issue temporary disability, at least for a minimum period of three days.

After all, he will not only develop complications with ARVI transmitted on the legs, he will actively infect others.

If a person is sure that it is easier to get sick leave in a paid medical center, then this is not so. Not every private center has the right to issue forms. If this license is available, then its doctors bear the same responsibility before the law as doctors in state clinics.

It is also almost impossible to buy this document; none of the doctors will do it. Such an action threatens prosecution under the law for forgery of documents, including criminal liability.

Where is the document issued to adults?

There are three options for obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work:

  • in a medical institution - a sick leave certificate is issued by a doctor. If outpatient treatment is prescribed, the form is given to the patient. It must be brought to each subsequent appointment until recovery. When treated in a hospital, sick leave is issued on the day of discharge;
  • at home - a doctor invited on call can open a sick leave and issue a form. You need to take the sheet with you to your next hospital appointment, for renewal or closure;
  • remotely - write to your local doctor via chat or video call.

As with a personal appointment, an electronic certificate of incapacity for work upon a remote request is issued by a doctor. The data is entered into the database of the Federal Social Insurance Service. The virtual form is certified by the electronic signature of the physician.

The electronic version of sick leave is suitable for employers who have access to the Federal Service database and software for document management with it.

sick leave

During the coronavirus epidemic, an employer associated with the Social Insurance Fund system is authorized to fill out a sick leave form for an employee who is serving quarantine at home. This registration option is used during self-isolation after returning from a trip abroad, showing symptoms of an infection, or if necessary to care for a sick relative.

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What herbs and mixtures to drink for inflammatory processes and colds and how to treat them


For how many days is it issued for ARVI?

The validity period of the sick leave is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition.

No temperature

For typical ARVI symptoms, the patient is kept on sick leave for 5-7 days. If you complain of a runny nose, cough and sore throat, self-treatment at home is prescribed in accordance with the prescription. The minimum period for documenting illness is 3 days.

If the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, the doctor closes the sick leave. If health deteriorates or there is no improvement, the stay on sick leave is extended for another 3-5 days.

If there are complications

The maximum duration of home treatment for patients with high fever is 15 days. This period includes self-administration of prescription medications and visiting the treatment room for injections.

sick leave

If pneumonia has developed, time for treatment is allocated according to the form of the disease:

Form of pneumoniaDuration of sick leave (in days)
Chlamydial, mycoplasma14
Staphylococcal, legionella14-21

For sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sick leave is given for 15 days. For bronchitis, home or hospital treatment is prescribed for a maximum period of 30 days.

If health has not improved, the patient needs to undergo additional examination, tests, and consult with specialized specialists. Depending on the results of consultations and studies, longer treatment may be necessary.

If after 15 days a new diagnosis is made and a course of treatment is prescribed, the old sick leave is closed and a new one is opened.

Sick leave for ARVI - how long can you take?

As a general rule, the following deadlines apply:

  1. Minimum – 3-5 days. This time is enough to take tests and undergo home treatment in compliance with bed rest and doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Possible extension up to 10 days. As a rule, this is due to the presence of high fever and persistence of symptoms of the disease.
  3. If recovery has not occurred after 10 days, the period can be extended for another month. However, this is only allowed if additional examination is required.

sick leave for ARVI

For complications

If the disease is severe, causing complications, and does not go away within 30 days, the involvement of the head physician will be required. He is responsible for convening a commission and appointing an examination. These procedures are performed to document the patient's disability. It is possible to prescribe additional studies and tests aimed at establishing the causes of the duration of the disease.

If there is no temperature?

The most common calls for medical help are when there is a high temperature. Many people think that in case of absence, it is impossible to receive sick leave. However, this is not true. If there are other symptoms of the disease, citizens are also issued sick leave.

This is possible if the following signs are present:

  • body aches;
  • low-grade fever;
  • runny nose;
  • hoarse voice;
  • cough;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • general weakness;
  • redness and sore throat, enlarged tonsils.

Sick leave for child care

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued to working parents or guardians of minor children.

The number of days of paid leave is determined by the age of the child:

  • up to 7 years - the period is individually prescribed by the doctor, but not more than 60 days a year;
  • 7-15 years - 15 days for home and hospital treatment, up to 45 days per year;
  • from 15 years old - 7 days for home care, 30 days a year.

If a teenager requires hospital treatment, parents are not provided with sick leave.

Depending on the diagnosis, the validity period of the certificate of incapacity for caring for preschool children increases to 90 days per year. If a child with disabilities needs parental care, a sick leave form indicating incapacity for work is issued for an individually determined period.

The sheet contains information about the child, date of birth, as well as the name of the relative who will care for him. The degree of relationship does not matter. You can enter several children on one form and close it after everyone has recovered.

sick leave

Do they give sick leave for sinusitis: how many days do they keep without fever?

Sinusitis is a disease that quickly deprives a person of his ability to work. Therefore, the issue of issuing sick leave is acute. And one of the important points in it is how many days a person will be on sick leave with such a complex nasal disease.

Going to work with sinusitis is a dubious pleasure. There is discharge from the nose, which is often foul-smelling, a headache, a nasal voice, and a fever. A person also has to perform a large number of different procedures several times a day, which cannot be performed in an office or production environment. Therefore, the optimal solution is sick leave.

Do they give sick leave for sinusitis?

The need for sick leave for sinusitis is determined by the attending physician. He assesses the patient's condition according to a number of parameters:

  1. Type of human activity : for those who use the olfactory organs in their direct work activities (sommeliers, tasters), there is no way without sick leave; A person who works in hazardous work is also considered disabled, because the use of chemicals and other hazardous substances causes complications
  2. Severity of the process : sinusitis occurs both relatively easily (there is only a runny nose and slight congestion), and critically, which threatens a person’s life
  3. Source of the disease : look at the reasons that caused the pathology - often sinusitis is the result of an untreated viral or bacterial infection; The potential risk as a source of infection is also assessed.

Based on the combination of these factors, the doctor makes a decision on incapacity for sinusitis. The patient is obliged to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions in all respects - the treatment plan, tests, procedures and visits to the doctor for control.

The difference between sinusitis and sinusitis is described in this link.

Sick leave for working people

This question is of great relevance in relation to working people. When a person works under an employment contract, he can count on sick leave for a period of 10-14 days, if necessary. But these numbers are not final, because... Depending on the severity of the disease, the characteristics of the process and existing complications, the doctor may well prolong it.

With standard symptoms, the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work is 8-10 days on average . If symptoms such as purulent nasal discharge, severe headaches, and elevated body temperature were initially present, the period will be determined at 14 days.

Sick leave for students

The question of how to be a student of one or another educational institution with sinusitis is also open. Documented justification for missing classes is required. Anyone, depending on their own well-being, should come to an appointment with a doctor and raise the question of a sick leave. The scheme is as follows:

  1. First, you need to make an appointment with an ENT specialist (alternatively, you can visit a general practitioner, family specialist, or therapist).
  2. Get examined - usually this means an examination using special instruments and x-rays.
  3. Start treatment prescribed by your doctor.

This article will tell you what the connection is between the maxillary sinuses and teeth.

If there is no temperature

Traditionally, for many diseases, and sinusitis is no exception, doctors rely on the presence of elevated numbers on the thermometer to issue a disability certificate.

However, an increase in body temperature is not a necessary factor.

There are situations when the immune system is so reduced that it is simply unable to resist infection and produce the corresponding symptoms. But the person’s condition will be quite serious.

In the absence of fever, the doctor must evaluate the accompanying symptoms, review the results of a blood test for sinusitis and make a decision. The doctor has no right to refuse to issue sick leave, since the patient’s condition is noticeably impaired.


A separate issue is complications. If the treatment was not complete, or the process did not end with recovery, there is a risk of developing serious complications. If they occur, the patient can count on an extension of the certificate of incapacity for work.

Among the frequent and common complications of sinusitis are:

  1. Optic neuritis.
  2. Phlegmon of paraorbital tissue.
  3. Otitis, ear congestion.
  4. Eustacheites.
  5. Tonsillitis.
  6. Bronchitis.
  7. Pneumonia.
  8. Brain abscesses (meaning its membranes).
  9. Meningitis.

If a person’s condition has sharply worsened, it is necessary, without delay, to contact a specialist to correct the situation. If complications occur, hospitalization and inpatient therapy are often required. Further rehabilitation will also be required. In this case, sick leave will be required for the entire period.

In such a situation, you should not rush to go to work or study as soon as possible. It is important to remember that sinusitis with accumulation of pus is a risk for the brain, because The sinuses are closely related to it. With the blood flow, pus easily moves and attacks the most defenseless places in the body.

Can the eye hurt with sinusitis? Read here.

Disability time for sinusitis

A standard sick leave for this disease is issued for up to 14 days, on average it takes about 10 days. But there are also situations when the process takes longer. We are talking about hospitalization.

How many days does hospitalization last?

An exacerbation of the disease or the severity of the situation may lead to inpatient rather than outpatient treatment. This is usually prescribed when a puncture of the maxillary sinus and subsequent rinsing with antiseptics is required. This therapy option requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, in this situation, a long-term (extended) sick leave is issued.

His treatment plan for this period:

  1. Undergoing various procedures to clear out the sinuses and restore breathing
  2. Taking antibiotics, mainly by injection, to relieve the bacterial process

Also, the certificate of incapacity for work is extended during various operations - puncture, endoscopy, open surgery. This is required for complete recovery and better rehabilitation.

After inpatient treatment, outpatient therapy is required for a period of 1-2 weeks. It includes rehabilitation measures that allow you to recover as much as possible after suffering a pathology.

Find out what sinusroethmoiditis is here.

Features and nuances of obtaining sick leave

Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work for sinusitis is not much different from other options. It can be given by both a general practitioner and an ENT specialist.

Design rules

A sick leave certificate for a disease of the nasal cavity is issued on the day the patient visits the doctor - there is no need to take any tests, take an x-ray of the maxillary sinuses or undergo additional examinations beforehand. The specialist will prescribe them during the validity of the certificate of incapacity for work.

The rules for registering sick leave are the same - the doctor writes down the disease code, writes down the patient’s data in the document, and indicates the place of work. Next, he enters the dates of the initial appointment and the dates of subsequent ones. As a rule, the patient must come for examinations every three days. In this way, the doctor will be able to monitor the dynamics and control the patient’s condition, preventing the risk of complications.

Be sure to visit your doctor on time, because... If this point is not observed, there may be serious problems with sick leave payment in the future. Failure to comply with the established deadlines is equivalent to failure of the treatment regimen.

The sick leave also indicates the disease code according to the international classification of diseases and indicates the treatment option - outpatient or inpatient. The sick leave must have all the necessary stamps.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have sinusitis? This material will tell you.

In this video you will be told about the procedure for issuing sick leave.


  1. A person who has sinusitis has the right to receive a certificate of incapacity for work.
  2. Sick leave is clearly issued when the sick person’s profession involves the use of the olfactory organs, as well as when the patient works in hazardous work.
  3. It is also issued in the absence of elevated temperature due to sinusitis.
  4. Both working people and students studying in educational institutions can count on sick leave.
  5. It can be long-term if a person is hospitalized - the certificate of incapacity for work is extended until full recovery from the illness.
  6. A certificate of incapacity for work for sinusitis is drawn up according to standard rules.

How to extend sick leave

Reasons for increasing the period of leave for health reasons:

  • no improvement within 15 days;
  • complications have arisen and hospital treatment is necessary;
  • After treatment in hospital, rehabilitation is required.

The certificate of incapacity for work remains open for another 10 days for recovery at home after discharge from the hospital. If the patient is prescribed additional tests, the date sheet is left open for another 3 days. If you feel well and there are no deviations from the norm in the results, the sheet is closed with the current date.

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Signs and symptoms of a cold in a newborn, how to treat a baby


The reason for extending disability leave is also the decision of a special commission. In case of complex symptoms, the attending physician turns to the head of the medical institution with a request to gather a council of specialists to conduct an examination. The medical commission may extend incapacity for work for a maximum of 10 months.

To extend sick leave, a new form is drawn up. The doctor indicates the number of the previous sheet in a special line. The old form must be given to the employer to report missed days and calculate pay.

Algorithm for obtaining step by step

How to get a certificate of temporary incapacity for work in a hospital:

  • come to see a doctor;
  • have a passport, medical card and insurance policy with you;
  • undergo an examination and take the necessary tests;
  • The doctor will make a diagnosis, write out a paper form or issue an electronic form.

You need to go to the hospital in the morning. If the patient went to the doctor in the evening, the date of the next day is put on the temporary disability form. The day of application in this case is considered absenteeism.

Sick leave for child care is issued according to the same scheme, only you need to bring the child to see a doctor.

How to issue an electronic slip yourself for the quarantine period:

  • submit an application on the website of the Social Security Service Fund;
  • enter data into a special form;
  • upload a scanned copy of your passport and pages of documents confirming your return from a trip abroad;
  • provide the registration number of the form to the employer.

sick leave

To obtain a certificate of incapacity for work at home, you need to call a doctor by phone, prepare a passport and an insurance policy. The doctor will fill out the form after the home examination.

Procedure for obtaining sick leave

Documents are issued in state medical institutions, to which citizens are assigned in accordance with compulsory medical insurance policies. You can also contact a therapist at a private clinic whose services the citizen uses.

It is also possible to prepare the document at the person’s place of residence, for which a doctor is called to the home. As a rule, this is resorted to if the patient has a high temperature and it is difficult for him to move on his own. In this case, you will need to have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a ban on issuing sick leave at the place of residence of citizens.

ARVI sick leave

If the doctor does not issue a sick leave certificate

A certificate of incapacity for work is not issued for the following reasons:

  • absence of pronounced symptoms of ARVI;
  • work remotely;
  • official leave or maternity leave;
  • no insurance policy, no passport.

A certificate of incapacity for work should not be issued to parents of minor patients with a respiratory infection if the children became ill during vacation.

A mother who falls ill during maternity leave is also not entitled to paid sick leave. The sheet is opened after the end of maternity leave.

A patient's complaint about poor health is not enough to issue a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. Your doctor may prescribe preventive medications to prevent the development of a cold. If there are no visible signs, tests will be required, but official sick leave will begin once the results are received and a diagnosis has been made.

If a doctor refuses to apply for temporary disability leave for biased reasons or controversial issues arise, you need to contact the head physician of the hospital.

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