Compiling a job application

Information for the document

The list of documents required to submit when applying for a job is determined by Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The application is not included in this list - directors of companies and organizations have the right to determine for themselves the need for its preparation. It is mandatory to submit only when applying for a state or municipal service (Article 26 No. 79-FZ, as well as Article 16 No. 25-FZ).

Features of document preparation

  1. Completed application form
  2. Job Application Form
  3. Application procedure
  4. Application retention periods

Job Application Form

The application is made in writing in one copy. Its strict sample has not been established - depending on the personnel policy practiced by the employer, the recommended form may be used, or the application may be written by hand.

Important! The standard application form includes information both about the person applying for the job and directly about the employer.

The application is written to the general director of the organization hiring a new employee. When indicating his name, it is possible to write initials. But the applicant must indicate his full name, along with his passport details, place of registration and place of actual residence (if they differ).

The job application itself must be written in the body of the application. The name of the organization and the position for which the applicant is applying is indicated here. If the enterprise has several divisions, the necessary one is noted.

Important! Specifying the operating mode will avoid possible disputes in the future.

It would not be superfluous to reflect the conditions under which a person is hired - for a permanent position, during maternity leave, part-time work, etc.

The name and position of the head of the personnel service is indicated under the date and signature. If there is only one personnel officer at the enterprise, it should be him.

Application procedure

The application is submitted to the HR department along with a package of accompanying documents in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Documents required for submission to the HR department:

  • passport (original and copy);
  • TIN (original and copy);
  • education document;
  • work book (if any);
  • military ID (original and copy);
  • marriage registration certificate.

Important! As for hiring the general director, he does not write an application. This procedure is regulated by Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation provides for the right of employers to demand the presentation of other documents not included in this list. This may be a certificate of a completed medical examination, a work permit if the person applying for a job is a foreign national, etc.

After a candidate for a vacant position is approved, an order for his employment is issued. The number and date of adoption of this order are written by the head of the personnel department under the text of the application.

Application retention periods

Storage periods depend on whether the person was hired or not. So, if an applicant is refused admission to a vacant position, his application with accompanying documents is stored in the personnel department for three calendar years. If the person was hired, this period is 75 years (Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558 of August 25, 2010).

Important! Job applications written by members of the executive and control bodies of the enterprise, as well as persons with an academic degree, are stored indefinitely.

The petition is filed in the employee’s personal file. After he resigns (retires), the case is transferred to the archives for storage.

How to write a job application correctly

When a future official writes an application, he confirms that he is familiar with the restrictions that are imposed on him by performing state or municipal service, official regulations and conditions of service. When applying for employment in a commercial company or individual entrepreneur, all this is not necessary (but analogues applicable in light of the specifics of a particular employer can be used). The employee’s signature under specific documents confirming the fact of familiarization with them is sufficient. These could be various regulations, job descriptions, where they exist, routines, provisions on trade secrets, confidential information, business trips, etc.

There is no single recommended document form for non-state companies and individual entrepreneurs. But they are free to develop a version of the application taking into account their own needs.

The author of these lines was asked by employers to write a statement every time he was hired. I never saw this as a particular problem. Since they ask, why not write? It hasn't gone away for me.

Video: job application

What data and details should be in the application?

There are no uniform requirements regarding details. But practice shows that it is logical to include the following set of information:

  1. Full name of the employer - company or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Full name and position of the head of the company in whose name the application is written. If the applicant is employed by an individual entrepreneur, instead of the position it is indicated as “individual entrepreneur”.
  3. Full name of the applicant;
  4. Request for employment.
  5. The position for which the applicant is employed, and, if applicable, the structural unit.
  6. Start date of the employment relationship.
  7. Special working conditions, if applicable. For example, this is information about the traveling nature of the work, part-time employment, etc.

The law does not prohibit including additional information in the application. For example, passport details, registration address, actual address, when applicable, pension insurance certificate number, etc. But this doesn’t make much sense.

How to correctly indicate the date on a job application

There are no strict restrictions on the date format. Both the “” option is allowed, for example, “05/20/2018”, and with the month written in the word “May 20, 2018”. If the numerical value of a date or month is less than 10, it is practiced to put a zero at the beginning - “01”, etc. After this, it becomes impossible to add a unit, two or three before the date or month.

Should the dates when the application is written coincide with the actual start of work? There are no legal restrictions in this regard. If the applicant starts work right on the day of writing the application, this is not a crime. If it’s later, no problem either. But when the application is written after the applicant has started work, this can cause unnecessary problems with inspectors if they come to the office. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such a collision. But the start date of the employment relationship in the employment contract, employment order and application must be the same.

The start date of the employment relationship in the application, employment order and employment contract must match, and you can write the application earlier

What documents should be attached to the application?

The list of required documents that are attached to the job application is relevant only for applicants for positions in the state and municipal service and includes:

  • a form that the applicant fills out in person by hand;
  • internal passport + copy;
  • military ID + copy (only for those liable for military service);
  • work book;
  • certificates of marriage, divorce, birth of children and other documents provided for by current legislation.

When applying for a job not related to the civil service, this requirement is irrelevant. An exhaustive list of documents that an employer has the right to require from an applicant for employment is given in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and includes:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • work book, except in cases of first-time or part-time employment;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate of no criminal record, if required by law for a specific position;
  • a certificate of no drug problems, if required by law for a specific position;
  • additional documents in cases provided by law.

The applicant must present all these documents when concluding an employment contract. The employer, of course, can attach copies of them to the job application. But this has no practical meaning.

Samples of job applications

Depending on the specific situation, it makes sense to include certain nuances in your job application. They usually relate to the special working conditions of the applicant.

Hiring with a probationary period

The fact of employment with a probationary period is not required to be reflected in the application. But it is advisable to do this to avoid controversial issues. In this case, the application reflects the very fact of the probationary period and its duration.

An application for employment with a probationary period must indicate its duration

Employment of a foreigner

When hiring a foreign citizen, the employer acts in the following sequence:

  1. Concludes an employment contract with a foreigner.
  2. Issues an order for his employment.
  3. Makes an entry in the foreigner’s work book.
  4. Notifies the territorial division of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the tax inspectorate about the employment of a foreigner.

If it is customary for a company to submit a job application, it is advisable for a foreigner to write it as well. In this case, the document can reflect the fact that the applicant has foreign citizenship and the details of his work permit, patent, temporary residence permit, residence permit or other document giving the right to legal employment in Russia. But you don’t have to do this.

When a foreign applicant has a work permit, patent or temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, it is optimal to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with him - for the period of validity of the permit document. It makes sense to reflect this fact in the statement.

In an application for employment of a foreigner, it is advisable to reflect the condition on the permit document

Applying for a job with an individual entrepreneur

When an individual entrepreneur acts as an employer, he is also a manager, and the application is written in his name.

An application for employment with an individual entrepreneur is written in the name of the entrepreneur

When an individual entrepreneur gets a hired job, in labor relations he acts as an individual and does not reflect his status as an entrepreneur in the application and other documents related to employment . In this case, he gets a job as an employee, and this does not apply to entrepreneurial activity.

If he enters into a relationship with a company or other individual entrepreneur precisely as an entrepreneur, there is no question of employment. A contract is concluded with him or, for example, for the provision of paid services just as with an individual entrepreneur. These relations are regulated by civil, not labor law.

The law does not prohibit an individual entrepreneur from being an employee at the same time, but this activity is not considered entrepreneurial.

Employment by transfer

When an applicant gets a job as a transfer from another organization and the internal regulations of the receiving company require writing a job application, the fact of employment as a transfer is reflected in the document.

Hiring can also take place by transfer

Admission on a part-time basis

Part-time work means working part-time. Therefore, it makes sense for the applicant to reflect his wishes for the work schedule in the application, having previously discussed them with the future management.

It is advisable to include an employment schedule in applications for part-time employment.

Employment of a minor

The peculiarities of writing an application for employment of a minor arise from his age and legal restrictions regarding the working conditions of this category of workers. In particular, if a minor is studying, he can work only during his free time from school or an institution of primary vocational education.

If the minor is under 14 years of age, one of the parents or a legal representative who has documented his authority enters into an employment contract and writes an application for employment, when it is provided for. Upon reaching 14 years of age, the applicant himself has the right to sign the contract and application, but he must present the written consent of his parents for his employment and confirmation of kinship or authority of the legal representative.

The application for employment of a minor contains a list of attached documents

Temporary or seasonal work

If the employment is temporary or seasonal, it makes sense to reflect this in the job application. It would not be superfluous to indicate in it the circumstances that led to the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract. For example, if an employee is hired during the absence of a permanent employee.

The application for temporary work contains an indication of the circumstances of employment

Part-time work

When an applicant is employed on a part-time basis, this circumstance should be reflected in the application if the company has adopted this step of the procedure. Certain nuances depend on whether the part-time job is internal or external.

Internal part-time work is when the role of a part-time employee is played by an employee whose main place of work is the same company. External - when the main job of a part-time worker is in another organization. Combination - performing additional duties during your working hours.

Internal part-time workers write statements according to a general template, indicating only that the work will be part-time, and not the main one. When combining duties, instead of applying for a job, it is enough to request in writing the employer’s permission to perform additional job functions.

To combine responsibilities, you can also write an application

But when an external part-time worker is hired, you cannot do without an application, if the company uses this document.

External part-time workers write a statement, noting the nature of the employment

Distant work

When it is assumed that the candidate will perform a job function remotely, it would not be superfluous to reflect this in the application.

Telecommuters are no exception when applying for a job

Employment of the General Director

The peculiarity of employing the first person of the company, if a hired employee is hired for this position, is that he is hired by the sole founder or, when there is more than one participant in the company, by the general meeting of founders.

Accordingly, the application must be addressed to the sole founder, the general meeting or the person to whom, according to the company’s charter, the authority to represent the general meeting and make decisions on its behalf, in particular, on personnel issues, is delegated.

The sample application for employment as a director differs only in the addressee

Who should sign a job application?

The application is signed by the person in whose name it is drawn up. As a rule, this is the head of the organization. Some companies may have a multi-stage procedure, when the signature on the application is first placed by the applicant's future immediate superior, then by the administration representative supervising the structural unit where the candidate will work, and only after them by the first person of the company. It depends on the procedure adopted in a particular company. When the applicant’s application is signed by the head of the organization, the personnel service no longer has the right to refuse such a candidate a job under any pretext.

There are no legal requirements for a resolution on the application. But for practical reasons, it is preferable when its text represents a clear and unambiguous guide to action. For example: “Accept from such and such a date on such and such terms.” It would not be superfluous to indicate in the resolution the name of the executor to whom it is addressed. Let's say the head of the HR department. The deadlines for the implementation of resolutions are also not specified in the law. But they can be regulated by the internal documentation of a particular company.

Resolutions on a job application are written in free form


I ask you to hire me at Alfa CJSC for the position of leading specialist

(name of company)

__________software department_______________________________________________

(name of position indicating structural unit)

from March 17, 2011 _______________ at the main place of work (or part-time) _____________________

(date of employment) (conditions of employment)

with working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.____

(nature of work)

"16" March 2011 Petrova

(date) (signature)

Agreed (position vacant):

Head of HR Department______ 03/16/2011 Tkacheva Tkacheva V.A.

(name of the position of the head of the personnel service) (date) (signature) (last name, initials)

A hiring order has been issued

dated March 17, 2011 No. 18

In case No. 01-06

Tkacheva V.A.


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Is a job application required?

In 2021, it is necessary to write a job application only in one case - if the candidate is employed as an official in a state or municipal structure. Then this is required by law. There are two such laws:

  • No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”;
  • No. 25-FZ dated March 2, 2007 “On municipal service in the Russian Federation.”

In any other scenario, it is quite possible to do without a statement. The law only requires the conclusion of an employment contract. But in practice, most non-state companies prefer to require applicants to fill out an application. And the employer has the right to do this, since he determines his own internal document flow.

The documents that employers have the right to require from a candidate are listed in Art. 65 of the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation. This is an exhaustive list and does not contain a statement. But, besides the aforementioned article of the Labor Code, there is an internal corporate bureaucracy. It is regulated not by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but by local acts of the company. Therefore, when the employer insists on a statement, it is useless to argue. And it cannot be ruled out that in a dispute, the content of the statement itself can become an argument in your favor. For example, you indicated in it that you are applying for a remote job, and the employer began to give you absenteeism for not showing up to the office.

Comments on the document “Job Application”

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Catherine 08/20/2015 at 11:29:49

Yes thank you - very useful

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03/03/2016 at 09:36:14

Very complete and useful document. Thank you!

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04/06/2016 at 14:54:16

Thank you! Very useful.

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Sergey Krasnoyarsk 04/22/2016 at 08:52:02

Thanks a lot!!! You are best!!!

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Olga 05/10/2016 at 08:00:57

Thank you Very convenient and complete information provided

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05/31/2016 at 05:37:41

thank you very much, great example!

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Zhanna 08/01/2016 at 19:22:45 reply to Ezreal

A very useful example. Thank you!

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Ostapenko Vladimir Anatolievich

Status: Lawyer

rating 4

10/17/2016 at 08:58:21

Thank you it was very useful

  • Email

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12/09/2016 at 10:31:16

Thank you! Smart answer!

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Job application: sample 2020 - 2021

Considering the fact that there is no single form for a sample job application, it is allowed to submit it both on paper and using office equipment. In this case, the employee’s signature must be affixed personally.

A sample job application can be downloaded from our website using the link below:

If you need to hire a part-time employee, you will find a sample application for admission in ConsultantPlus. Get trial access to the system and proceed to the material.

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( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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