Find out the owner of the apartment by address

(material updated on February 04, 2021) check the owner of the apartment in 2 simple ways.

1st method: check the apartment by cadastral number or address online, by obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Let me remind you that from January 1, 2021, the extract from the Unified State Register has been replaced by an extract from the Unified State Register.

But essentially, they are the same eggs, only in profile.

2nd method : through the BTI, by obtaining an intricate certificate.

It should be noted that any citizen can check the owner, because information about the owners is public.

The easiest way is to check the owner or find out the owner by cadastral number online through Rosreestr, because an extract from the Unified State Register arrives online within 20 minutes.

So let's get started.

1st method.

Instructions for checking the owner of an apartment online.

Using the service is intuitive and easy.

Enter the address in the search bar: city, street, house number, apartment.

Please note that when writing an address, a drop-down list will appear from which you can select the full address of the object .

After clicking on Search , the system will check the availability of information in Rosreestr within 3 - 5 seconds.

If Rosreestr has records about the property, the system will display the cadastral number, address and area of ​​the found apartment under the search line.

Specialized sites

Recently, many platforms related to legal activities and real estate have appeared on the Internet. They offer to submit an application online to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. There is no need to enter any special data there. It is enough to enter in the window the address of the house you are interested in, your first and last name. All necessary information will be sent to your email address, which must also be entered when filling out the request.

This is a very simple way to get data. The extract will indicate the name, surname and patronymic of the real owner of the house, as well as the exact address of the property. In the case where a document is needed not for a house, but for a plot of land, the coordinates of its location are reported there.

It is also important that through special services you can find out the exact area of ​​the room. This will come in handy when buying a home, as sellers often write false information in advertisements. The extract will also indicate on the basis of which document the house belongs to the owner. Here you can also find out about the presence of any encumbrances on a specific property. We are talking not only about arrest, but also about long-term rent or collateral in a bank.

It is very convenient to receive information about a house through an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate because its cadastral value will be indicated here. It does not affect the sale price of the property, but it is from this data that the property tax is calculated.

How to check the owner through the BTI?

BTI is a technical inventory bureau. These bureaus are engaged in the production of technical passports for apartments, houses and other real estate.

Verifying the owner of a property through the bureau is a more labor-intensive procedure compared to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, because it cannot be done online.

To check the owner of the apartment, you need to contact the Bureau of Technical Inventory personally or through a representative.

For reference: Until 1998, all transactions with apartments and houses were registered with the BTI, because at that time Rosreestr had not yet been created.

After 1998, Rosreestr began to register transactions.

In theory, all bureaus were supposed to transfer transaction archives to Rosreestr. But as far as I understand, this did not happen.

For this reason,

Find out the owner of non-residential premises

This is where the first difficulties arise. The difficulty lies in the fact that there may be no one in the premises itself, nor in the building, nor near it with whom one could agree on the nuances of renting the premises. Where to go and where to look for information about the landlord? There are several ways that can shed light on the mysterious landlord of the premises. The first of them is to walk around the building in which the room is located, look at the walls of the building. Perhaps there is a small poster or sign hanging somewhere containing information about the owner of the building or the telephone number of the administration. Usually the building has an information corner or a buyer's corner if it is a shopping center. If the search was unsuccessful, then you can move on to the second method, namely, see whether the building is connected to electricity or water supply.

The easiest way is, of course, to look for premises in a newspaper advertisement or on a website under the “Premises for rent” section. In this case, you will be able to contact directly the landlord of the premises you are interested in, because, as a rule, the advertisement contains all the information necessary for communication. It’s a completely different matter if you personally liked the premises in some area of ​​the city. After walking around the premises, examining it from the outside, and once again making sure that it is ideal for your business, and this is exactly what you have long dreamed of, you will be interested in information about the landlord of this premises.

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Find out the owner of the apartment by address

Even if the interested party does not have the cadastral number of the apartment, having the address of the property will allow you to find out the copyright holder. The easiest way to obtain this information is to select an object by address through the request form on the public services portal or on the Public Cadastral Map.

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr contains data on real estate objects in accordance with the cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation. The selection of the object of interest can be made directly on the graphic card; to do this, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • select on the Public Cadastral Map the land plot on which the apartment building is located;
  • in the search window, go to the “Search within object boundaries” tab and among ;
  • in the search form provided, indicate the address of the apartment, after which basic information about the right to this object will be presented, including the cadastral number;
  • Using the cadastral number, you can submit a request to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with information about the rights holders of the residential premises.

Searching for basic data on the object of interest will take a few minutes, after which from the search window you can immediately proceed to filling out an electronic request to receive an extract from the Unified State Register.

Expert advice . When searching for information on a property, you can obtain not only information about copyright holders, but also about the presence of registered encumbrances or restrictions on the apartment. This will allow you to conduct a full check of the legal purity of the apartment before purchasing it and minimize the risks of losing money.

Find out the owner of the apartment by address

Selling a share in an apartment - is there a certain cost?

Before selling to “strangers,” you must offer to buy out your share to other owners. This is done in writing, indicating the price and terms of sale. The offer is sent by mail with notification. After a month of silence or refusal, you can sell to anyone. You set the amount that you think is necessary.

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When selling a share in the right of common ownership to an outsider, the remaining participants in shared ownership have the pre-emptive right to purchase the share being sold at the price for which it is sold, and on other equal conditions, except in the case of a sale at public auction, as well as cases of sale of a share in the right of common ownership of land plot by the owner of a part of a building or structure located on such a land plot or by the owner of premises in the specified building or structure.

Order an extract from the Unified State Register Service Online

Similar services are provided by the online service Unified State Register Online, which operates with data from the registry database. A characteristic feature of the services is that the cost of issuing an extract is lower than on the official website. The authenticity of the extract is certified by an electronic signature (digital signature), which eliminates the possibility of data falsification.

Making an extract takes from 15 minutes and depends on the amount of information that will be included in the document. EGRP-Online issues two types of certificates:

  1. On the transfer of rights to an object (apartment, plot or house) which contains information:
  • personal data of the current owner;
  • history of transfer of rights from owner to owner;
  • dates of termination of the rights of the former owner;
  • the date of registration of the property with the current owner.

The cost of such a certificate is 200 rubles.

  1. About the characteristics of an object containing information about:
  • personal data of the current owner;
  • prohibition on alienation, being in collateral;
  • cadastral value of the object.

The cost of the certificate is 200 rubles.

Rosreestr website

Provides several certificates of varying length, containing information about:

  1. Full name of the property owner. In addition to personal data, it contains the certificate number and the date of taking possession. Such an electronic document costs 90 rubles.
  2. Checking an apartment (real estate) for encumbrances (FSSP arrest, pledge, mortgage, legal disputes regarding the ownership, use and residence of third parties). The price of the document is 290 rubles.
  3. Standard extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Price – 350 rubles.
  4. Ownership history. That is, from whom the apartment was transferred to whom, how long the ownership of one or another owner lasted, the reasons for the transfer of rights. For this purpose, a separate statement is issued, the cost of which is 700 rubles.
  5. Full inspection of the apartment (house) for cleanliness. In addition to the data included in the above extracts, it contains information about checking the owner in the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for the presence of criminal records for crimes related to fraud and tax offenses, checking court decisions regarding disputes regarding this property. The cost of such a document is 1950 rubles. It guarantees complete confidence of the potential buyer that the seller is not planning to deceive the home.

We advise you to read: How to check an apartment for legal purity

At the MFC

The most popular and in demand method of ordering an extract. The only drawback is the need to visit the office of the multifunctional center and the fact that the Unified Housing Document (UZD) is issued only to the owners and persons registered at this address.

The advantages of the information prepared by the MFC include that it is free. Within 1 business day, anyone interested in the name and surname of the owner can receive 13 documents simultaneously, which contain complete information on the object.


Not the most convenient way, since, just like in the MFC, information is provided only to the owners or to the courts when filing a claim for a dispute over a property. The advantage of contacting the BTI is the possibility of obtaining data on objects not included in Rosreestr, that is, commissioned before 1998. Information is provided for a fee. The fee is 200 rubles. To receive information, you will need to fill out an application form, attach a payment receipt and wait up to 5 business days.

At the notary

This method of obtaining information is convenient for those who are involved in registering an inheritance. The notary does not personally own the information contained in the Rosreestr database, but as part of the preparation of the inheritance case, he collects information about the property included in the inheritance estate. The collected information can be shared with the heirs.

In person at Rosreestr

The method is available to residents of settlements where MFC work is not established and who, for some reason, do not want to use online services. The category of people who trust paper documents. Requires time to wait in line (electronic queue using pre-issued coupons). You will need to have with you:

  • passport (other document);
  • a completed application of the established form (issued by Rosreestr);
  • a receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 750 rubles for the production of a paper version of the extract.

It takes 3-4 business days from submitting the application to receiving the statement.

Information about the personal data of the owner (full name) at the address may be contained in the databases of organizations processing personal data. But they, without the knowledge of the owner, have no right to disclose and issue them on a commercial basis.

How to find out what share in the apartment belongs to me

Hello! This is our 3rd apartment, bought when my father and mother were married. After the divorce, my mother left and didn’t take anything. My father and I are registered in it. I know that when I bought it, my dad privatized 1 room for himself. 2 years ago I privatized it for I have 1 more room for myself. I have a document for it. We have two different payment accounts. As far as I know, I have most of it. My father won’t give me the documents. I want to rent out my half on my own, but he’s making a fuss. How do I find out what my share is? apartment? and does mom have any rights to the apartment?

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Finding out whether you own any share in this apartment is simple - with a passport, apartment address and a receipt for payment of the fee (200 rubles), contact any branch of Rosreestre in Moscow, write an application for the provision of information from the Unified State Register and within a week you will receive answer.

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