About money and debts
If you are sure that your rights are being violated by the AU in a bankruptcy case,
How recalculation is carried out The possibility of partial or absolute early repayment of a mortgage is provided for by Federal Law No. 284,
Who is a native speaker of the Russian language? Let's first figure out who the native speaker of the Russian language is. This
Situation in which the Debt Transfer Agreement is applicable: You have an unfulfilled obligation to the creditor
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Private business in Russia usually has a short lifespan, without reorganization and significant changes, the average
Unfortunately, when enterprises go bankrupt, it is not only large businessmen who suffer, losing a source of huge income,
Who can apply for a writ of execution Ordinary citizens (individuals), organizations, enterprises that provided money,
When taking out a mortgage loan, people often pay attention only to such points as the amount of the down payment,
In addition to termination and repudiation of the contract, you can try such a method of protecting rights as a claim